Make It Possible

Mile High Youth Corps engages 50+ employers each year to support our career readiness training, sponsor our signature fundraiser, support programming, and help inform workforce needs. The overall goal of the Employer Advisory Council (EAC) is to provide access to short and long term career path job placements where graduates of Mile High Youth Corps programs can be successful. The EAC aims to include employers in the career readiness training curriculums at MHYC (including classes, mock interviews, job shadows, internships, tours, etc.) and to promote strong, long-term partnerships between employers and MHYC.

Industry Focus

To meet the needs of youth at MHYC we are committed to targeting the following industries in order to connect them to potential short and long-term placements:

  • Warehousing

  • Construction

  • Solar/Energy

  • Healthcare

  • Retail

  • Hospitality

  • Customer Service

  • Natural Resources

  • Parks & Recreation

Jason Vaughn Headshot

Jason Vaughn

Program Coordinator: College & Careers

Want To Learn More?

2020 Employer Advisory Council Details